Word of Life is a unique and wonderful place to call home! Our theology is distinctly Lutheran; our expression of faith is both practical and alive in Christ!
We are a family of people from every walk of life. We are not bound by age, ethnicity or social status. We enjoy life that celebrates who we are in Jesus Christ.
Our style of worship is neither contemporary nor traditional but a blend of both as we strive to be authentic worshippers without being locked into a pattern.
If you are curious about our affiliation with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, check out our denomination's website.
We invite you to discover what we believe and what we value - and to join us in our effort to bring the message of freedom and hope to our world!
The Bible is central in our congregations and in our households. The Word of God is the focus of our worship services, the textbook for our teaching ministries, and the foundation of our daily lives. Whether we are preaching, teaching, singing, or just talking, we want to be people of the Word.
The Gospel is our treasure and our joy. We want the Good News of God's grace to us in Jesus Christ to be the centerpiece of our mission. All people need the Gospel. God's children need to hear it again and again. The Good News is God's power, which saves us, draws us together, and motivates us for service.
We revere God's Law. The Law of God cannot save us, but it is necessary for our salvation. We need to see our sin and be driven to the cross of Christ for forgiveness. We need to be reminded that we cannot earn God's love or merit His blessings. We also need the ethical guidance, which God's Law gives. We dare not make up our own morality.
The Word and the Sacraments are God's precious means of grace. The Word teaches us, Baptism washes us, and the Lord’s Supper nourishes us. In our sacramental life together we are brought again and again to the crucified and risen Jesus Christ, who alone is the source of our salvation.
We cherish the love and fellowship of God's people. We need each other. We need the spiritual gifts, which the Holy Spirit imparts to His people. We experience God's peace as we worship and work together, forgive one another, and bear one another's burdens.
We are called by the love of Christ to share His Gospel. We long for people to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to come to know Him in a personal way. Our mission is as local as our neighborhood and as universal as the whole world.
We seek to be people of prayer. Whether in public worship, small groups, or in our personal lives, we want prayer to be the prerequisite. Prayer supports and propels us in our mission. We desire that prayer be as essential in our ministries as breathing is to our physical life.